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Close-up of a vacuum cleaner on a white rug and a wooden floor

Get Pristine Rugs With Our Mattress Cleaning In Bristol

Clean Sweep Carpet Cleaning is Bristol's premier choice for expert rug and mattress cleaning. Our specialised cleaning services keep your home fresh, clean, and healthy. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing exceptional results and outstanding customer service.

Reach out to us for advanced cleaning techniques for maximum dirt and allergen removal.

First Class Service

Expert Advice

Affordable Prices

Transform Your Rug With Our Domestic And Commercial Cleaning

Clean Sweep Carpet Cleaning’s commercial and domestic cleaning services are designed to meet the unique needs of each environment. For homes, we focus on creating a clean, healthy living space by using eco-friendly products that are safe for children and pets. For commercial properties, we understand the importance of maintaining a professional appearance and hygienic workspace. We offer flexible scheduling to minimise disruption to your operations and use advanced cleaning techniques to ensure deep, thorough cleaning and stain removal services.

A water extraction carpet cleaning wand in the process

Hassle-Free Move-Out With Our End-Of-Tenancy Cleaning

Our end-of-tenancy cleaning service is tailored to meet the stringent standards required by landlords and property managers. We specialise in deep cleaning rugs and mattresses, ensuring that all traces of dirt, stains, and allergens are removed. Our team uses high-powered extraction methods and eco-friendly cleaning agents to restore the freshness and appearance of your furnishings. We meticulously clean every inch of the property, from high-traffic areas to hidden corners, ensuring it is left spotless and ready for the next tenant. Trust our expertise to help you secure your full deposit with a hassle-free move-out experience.

Freshen Up Your Rugs And Mattresses With Spring Cleaning Services

Spring cleaning is the ideal time to refresh your home, and our specialised rug and mattress cleaning services are a key component of this process. Using advanced steam cleaning technology, we effectively remove embedded dirt, dust mites, and allergens from deep within the fibres. Our antibacterial treatments help to eliminate germs and bacteria, promoting a healthier indoor environment. Our thorough approach ensures that your rugs and mattresses are not only clean but also contribute to improved air quality in your home. This annual deep clean is essential for maintaining the longevity and appearance of your furnishings.

Interior view of a house with a beautiful rug
Close-up photo of carpet cleaner

Quick Solutions With One-Time Cleaning Services

Our one-off rug and mattress cleaning services are perfect for those times when you need a thorough, professional cleaning without the commitment of regular maintenance. We employ powerful cleaning techniques, such as hot water extraction and dry cleaning methods, to tackle tough stains and deep-seated dirt. Our process includes pre-treatment of stains, deep cleaning, and deodorising to ensure a fresh, clean finish. Ideal for preparing for special events or addressing accidental spills and stains, our one-off cleaning service provides a quick, efficient solution to keep your rugs and mattresses looking their cleanest.

Need Rug Or Mattress Cleaning?

Call Us For Efficient Rug And Mattress Cleaning Services.

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